>PAC/PLMC控制器>可编程自动化控制器>西门子模块代理商宿州西门子模块.. 免费发布可编程自动化控制器信息


更新时间:2022-10-09 14:12:36 信息编号:022gslpe7697bd
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ULTRAMAT 23 是一种创新型多组分分析仪,可利用 NDIR 原理测量多三种对红外线敏感的气体。紫外分光光度计可用来测量浓度很低的 SO2 和 NO2。

通过使用电化学氧传感器或按照顺磁测量原理(“哑铃型”)工作的测量槽,也可以测量氧气 (O2)。使用附加的电化学 H2S 测量槽时,可以在沼气应用中进行测量。

使用 ULTRAMAT 23 气体分析仪,多可连续测量 4 种气体组分。该装置可配有以下传感器:

H2S 传感器(电化学)
O2 传感器(电化学)
O2 传感器(顺磁)
使用用于沼气厂的 ULTRAMAT 23 型气体分析仪,多可以连续测量四种气体组分:两种红外敏感气体(CO2 和 CH4),以及采用电化学测量单元测量 O2 和 H2S。
使用配有顺磁性氧测量池的 ULTRAMAT 23 气体分析仪,可以连续测量多 4 种气体组分:可测量三种红外敏感气体以及采用“哑铃型”测量单元测量 O2 。
使用配有紫外光度计的 ULTRAMAT 23 气体分析仪,可通过电化学传感器测量一种红外敏感气体、紫外活性气体(SO2、NO2)以及 O2。

AUTOCAL with ambient air (depending on the measured component)
Highly cost-effective as calibration gases are not required
High selectivity thanks to multi-layer detectors, e.g. low cross-sensitivity to water vapor
Analyzer cells can be cleaned on site as required
Cost savings due to reuse after contamination
Menu-assisted operation in plain text
No manual required for operation, high level of operator safety
Service information and logbook
Preventive maintenance; help for service and maintenance personnel; cost savings
Coded input levels protect against unauthorized access
Increased safety
Open interface architecture (RS 485, RS 232, PROFIBUS, SIPROM GA)
Simplified process integration; remote operation and control
Special benefits when used in biogas plants
Continuous measurement of all four key components, including H2S
Long service life of the H2S sensor even at increased concentrations; no diluting or backflushing necessary
Introduction and measurement of flammable gases as occurring in biogas plants (e.g. 70% CH4) is permissible (German Technical Inspectorate/TÜV certificate)

Optimization of small firing systems
Monitoring of exhaust gas concentration from firing systems with all types of fuel (oil, gas and coal) as well as operational measurements with thermal incineration plants
Room air monitoring
Monitoring of air in fruit stores, greenhouses, fermenting cellars and warehouses
Monitoring of process control functions
Atmosphere monitoring during heat treatment of steel
For use in non-hazardous areas
Application areas in biogas plants

Monitoring of fermenters for generating biogas (input and pure sides)
Monitoring of gas-driven motors (power generation)
Monitoring of feeding of biogas into the commercial gas network
Application area of paramagnetic oxygen sensor

Flue gas analysis
Inerting plants
Room air monitoring
Medical engineering
Further applications
Environmental protection
Chemical plants
Cement industry
Special versions
Separate gas paths

The ULTRAMAT 23 with 2 IR components without pump is also available with two separate gas paths. This allows the measurement of two measuring points as used e.g. for the NOx measurement before and after the NOx converter.
The ULTRAMAT 23 gas analyzer can be used in emission measuring devices and for process and safety monitoring.

Versions conforming to EN 14181 and EN 15267

According to EN 14181, which is standardized in the EU and required in many European countries, a QAL1 qualification test, i.e. certification of the complete measuring device including gas paths and conditioning, is required for continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS). In accordance with EN 15267, this must be performed by an independent accredited authority. In Germany, for example, the test is performed by the German Technical Inspectorate (TÜV) and the test report is submitted to the Federal/State Workgroup for Emission Control (Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Immissionsschutz - LAI) for examination/approval. Notification is then issued by the German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt - UBA) in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) as well as by the German Technical Inspectorate (TÜV) here:

In the UK, the QAL1 test reports are prepared by Sira Environmental of the Environmental Agency in accordance with the MCERTS scheme and submitted for approval and publication on the SIRA Environmental websites. The other European countries rely either on the German or English certification scheme.

For use in EN 14181 applications, the devices with the article numbers 7MB235X in the Set CEM CERT (7MB1957) have undergone qualification testing according to German standards of EN 15267. These German Technical Inspectorate (TÜV) versions of the ULTRAMAT are suitable for measurement of CO, NO, SO2 and O2 according to sections 13 and 27 of the BlmSchV (Federal Emission Law of Germany) and TA Luft. Smallest measuring range tested and approved by the German Technical Inspectorate:

1 and 2-component analyzer

CO: 0 to 150 mg/m3
NO: 0 to 150 mg/m3
SO2: 0 to 400 mg/m3
3-component analyzer

CO: 0 to 250 mg/m3
NO: 0 to 250 mg/m3
SO2: 0 to 400 mg/m3
Also tested as additional measuring ranges in accordance with EN 15267-3:

CO: 0 to 1 250 mg/m3
NO: 0 to 2 000 mg/m3
SO2: 0 to 7 000 mg/m3
Determination of the analyzer drift according to EN 14181 (QAL3) can be carried out manually or also with a PC using the SIPROM GA maintenance and servicing software. In addition, selected manufacturers of emission evaluation computers offer the possibility to read the drift data via the analyzer's serial interface and automatically record and process it in the evaluation computer.

Version with faster response time

The connection between the two condensation traps is equipped with a stopper to lead the complete flow through the measuring cell (otherwise only 1/3 of the flow), i.e. the response time is 2/3 faster. The functions of all other components remain unchanged.

Chopper purge

Consumption 100 ml/min (upstream pressure setting: approx. 3 000 hPa).

19" rack unit with 4 U for installation
In hinged frame
In cabinets
Flow indicator for sample gas on front plate;
option: integrated sample gas pump (standard for bench-top version)
Gas connections for sample gas inlet and outlet as well as zero gas; pipe diameter 6 mm or ¼"
Gas and electrical connections at the rear of the device (portable version: sample gas inlet at front)
Display and operator panel
Operation based on NAMUR recommendation
Simple, fast parameterization and commissioning of analyzer
Large, backlit LCD for measured values
Menu-driven operator functions for parameterization, test functions and calibration
Washable membrane keyboard
User help in plain text
6-language operating software
Three digital inputs for sample gas pump On/Off, triggering of AUTOCAL and synchronization of several devices
Eight relay outputs can be freely configured for fault, maintenance demanded, maintenance switch, limits, measuring range identification and external solenoid valves
Eight additional digital inputs and relay outputs as an option
Electrically isolated analog outputs
RS 485 present in basic unit (connection from the rear).


RS 485/RS 232 converter
RS 485/Ethernet converter
RS 485/USB converter
Incorporation in networks via PROFIBUS DP/PA interface
SIPROM GA software as service and maintenance tool

ULTRAMAT 23, membrane keyboard and graphic display

ULTRAMAT 23, design

Designs – parts wetted by sample gas

Gas path

19" rack unit

Desktop unit

With hoses

Condensation trap/gas inlet


PA (polyamide)

Condensation trap


PE (polyethylene)

Gas connections 6 mm

PA (polyamide)

PA (polyamide)

Gas connections ¼"

Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571

Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571


FPM (Viton)

FPM (Viton)

Pressure switch

FPM (Viton) + PA6-3-T (Trogamide)

FPM (Viton) + PA6-3-T (Trogamide)


PDM/Duran glass/X10CrNiTi1810

PDM/Duran glass/X10CrNiTi1810

Angle units/T-pieces



Internal pump, option

PVDF/PTFE/EPDM/FPM/Trolene/stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571

PVDF/PTFE/EPDM/FPM/Trolene/stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571

Solenoid valve

FPM70/Ultramide/stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4310/1.4305

FPM70/Ultramide/stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4310/1.4305

Safety condensation trap



Analyzer chamber




Aluminum, black anodized

Stainless steel, black anodized, mat. no. 1.4571

Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571

CaF2, quartz




FPM (Viton)

FPM (Viton)

With pipes, only available in version "without pump"

Gas connections 6 mm/¼"

Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571



Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571


Analyzer chamber






Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571






FPM (Viton)


Gas path

ULTRAMAT 23, portable, in sheet-steel housing with internal sample gas pump, condensation trap with safety filter on front plate, optional oxygen measurement

ULTRAMAT 23, 19" rack-mounted enclosure with internal sample gas pump; optional oxygen measurement

ULTRAMAT 23, 19" rack-mounted enclosure without internal sample gas pump; optional oxygen measurement

ULTRAMAT 23, 19" rack unit housing without internal sample gas pump, with separate gas path for the 2nd measured component or for the 2nd and 3rd measured component, optional oxygen measurement

ULTRAMAT 23, 19" rack-mounted enclosure, sample gas path version in pipes, separate gas path, always without sample gas pump, without safety filter and without safety condensation trap

ULTRAMAT 23, 19" rack-mounted enclosure with internal sample gas pump and H2S sensor

ULTRAMAT 23, 19" rack-mounted enclosure with internal sample gas pump and paramagnetic oxygen measurement

ULTRAMAT 23, 19" rack unit enclosure with IR detector, UV photometer (UV module); optional oxygen measurement

ULTRAMAT 23, 19" rack-mounted enclosure with UV photometer (UV module); optional oxygen measurement



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